“The hard part about being a bartender is figuring out who is drunk and who is just stupid.” -Richard Bernstein.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Cheers to You, Awesome Drinkers

Consuming alcohol at a bar can often lead to greatness: saying unreal things you wouldn't normally verbalize, dancing (because you might only know the white man dance that involves a step to the right and a step to the left, usually to the beat of your own drum, but tonight you feel like expanding to Michael Jackson moves see below), or just being very friendly with other patrons.

But sometimes, yes sometimes, I get what I call "Awesome Drinkers".

If you're asking yourself, "I wonder if I'm an awesome drinker?  You're not.  These are a rare breed that make bartending memorable and entertain all that are in a small proximity.

Pop Quiz:  When you see a Sharpie Marker after throwing some back, what do you think to do?

Normal drinkers tattoo their drunk and sleeping buddy in the hopes Sleeping Beauty doesn't look in the mirror before going out in the world; because it's always funny to see a slightly sober man walking in daylight with curse words and genitalia pictures all over his face when he doesn't know it.

Funny, yes...  But what do AWESOME drinkers do when they spot a Sharpie?...

They say, "I think I can make a great ink beard on my brother's face."  And, not only do they do it, they pose for pictures and post it on Facebook because they might not remember it tomorrow.

But why you ask?  They would say, "Why not?"  And really, why wouldn't you?  It's like face painting for adults.  If little kids want their face painted like a lion, why judge when adults want to look have a mustache that rivals the handlebars of Hulk Hogan?

They are the ones that often entitle or make the name "Toots McGoots" relevant in a bar because everyone has been next to Farting Man in a bar, they just never had a name that described it so perfectly.  (And how does something like Toots McGoots not catch on?)

This my friends, is exactly why I still bartend.  So, cheers to you, awesome drinkers!  You've made my night worth while.

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